What’s in a review?

Absolutely everything!

How do you know if it’s worth the risk?  To spend the money?  Take the time to fill out the forms and take the chance?  If it will be as nice as it looks in the pictures? If, if, if. 

I can tell you my Luxe Personalized Satin Bridal Hanger is the absolute best, but I of course, am biased. You want to hear it from a trusted source.

Did you know?

According to online sources, nearly 94% of consumers rely on a review to help with decision making. Good and bad, it makes a difference.

Because so and so said so.  And your friends say so.  And your best friend’s uncle’s cousin’s sister said so too.  And you see it on Instagram or on Tik Tok and someone there said something that resonates with you perfectly.  And so, it goes.  Reviews mean absolutely everything.

Not only does a review help the consumer, but it helps the brand. If they take their business seriously, they will take all reviews seriously as well.  The positive as well as the negative.

A negative review allows a seller to see where they can improve. Whether it’s the product, the packaging, timing, customer service, or anything in between, it can only be addressed if it’s known.  Often, a negative review comes when something is lacking.  Problems arise in any business, but can be corrected and fixed quickly and efficiently, creating a positive transaction and better feedback overall. Messaging and discussing ahead of review time allows the opportunity for everyone to decide the best way to handle a situation, but if a problem lies unresolved, a review can help others in the future.

Does it really matter?

It goes a very long way in a small business to receive feedback and yes, it really matters!

Positive reviews are the best ones, and five stars take the cake! This is always the goal.  A positive review, especially five stars, says it was all done well.  Nothing tickles me like reading a success story and five star review. This is the perfect indicator that my fans are happy, and this is the key.

Five stars say that a product is on point, the shipping was timely, packing well done, and issues or concerns that did arise, were taken care of and satisfaction has been achieved.   In a nutshell, the five-star system is what the world’s top shoppers rely on. 

Imagine you click on the perfect item, and it only had a 3.5- or 4-star average review from many sellers, you would hesitate when purchasing… but click and you see five stars from hundreds of delighted buyers and comments that back those stars up, you will click in, and you will buy.

Working together, we can change the world. Okay... the consumer world at least.

A review not only helps you, the consumer, but it helps the designers, tailors, manufacturers, small businesses etc., be better.

To me personally, a five-star review and the comments I get back mean everything.  I am so touched and thankful that the time is taken, and thought is given to my product and brand.  I want nothing more than to provide an amazing experience when shopping here.  From someone reaching out and asking questions, to shopping and purchasing, and finally to leaving a review, it all moves me.  That is what TheBoondockQuiltCo is all about, a moving, personal experience.   I know the time it takes and patience it can require doing anything techy.  A thing I am not!  And I of course, appreciate, and am humbled when someone admires my creation, my workmanship or my brand and comments about it.  It’s honestly, just lovely. 

In the same turn, I would appreciate the reviews that would be less.  Although I hope they are a thing of the very far past, I know I cannot please everyone.  (But I will sure try!)  The opportunity to reflect then improve has benefits beyond words.  I take all comments, concerns and requests to heart and always try to make the experience the same for everyone; stellar.  If I can’t for some reason, I always hope for the opportunity to make it so.  I believe desperately in value and quality and expect that from my product and my brand, always.   

pinwheels in multiple colors, quilting pinwheels logo, theboondockquiltco

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